Fundraisers hand over a fantastic amount!
Today (Tuesday 6th June) we presented Eden Valley Hospice with the funds our team raised completing the Colour Run.
We are very proud that our team raised a massive £527!
The Colour Run took place on a lovely sunny day, 14th May, and everyone who took part in the run had fantastic fun. You can see from the photos, even Mollie the dog was a great sport!
Team Pioneer consisted of: Chris Kerr from IT; from telesales Aiva Woodman, Gemma Gardner, Sammy Smith and Sonya Atkinson and her daughter Evie and Mollie the dog; from accounts Rachel and Rebecca with her daughter, Eden and finally Karen Graham, marketing.
We would like to thank all who sponsored the athletes, which included a lot of our Pioneer colleagues.
This year we were a sponsor of the Colour Run, supporting the fantastic services provided by the hospice.